Hello human

Welcome to my little slice of heaven. I use this space to showcase any apps I develop and to publish articles. Everything I publish here is, obviously, my personal stuff and opinions and has nothing to do with whom I work for. My previous blog is at vipinajayakumar.com, but I do not plan to write there anymore.

Here is a little bit about me. My name is Vipin. bluprince13 is just an alias I came up with when I was younger. I am from Kollam, a small seaside town in Kerala, a state in India. I also lived in Abu Dhabi for a few years. I have been to seven different schools - that was not fun. I came to the UK in 2010 to do my Masters in Aerospace Engineering at the University of Bath. I graduated in 2015 and then started working at Rolls-Royce, initially on their graduate scheme and later as an Aeroacoustics workstream lead. Whilst at Rolls-Royce, I developed a passion for software development. At the end of 2019, I switched to Amazon Prime Video in London as a full-stack web developer. I love being a developer. In particular, I love working with React.js, Python and AWS. Despite it being my day job, coding is still what I enjoy most in my free time. When I am not coding, I like learning Spanish, reading, hitting the gym and cycling.

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